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Positioning Your Tutoring Business for Success in the New Digital SAT Era

As the education landscape continues to evolve, tutors are often the first point of contact for students and parents seeking guidance on navigating academic changes. With the impending shift to the new Digital SAT format, you can expect a flurry of inquiries regarding which test is most suitable for the incoming class.

To provide effective guidance during this transitional period, it's crucial to adapt your tutoring business's approach. Here's how to position your tutoring business for...

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Feedback from the Latest International SAT Test Administration

Since the first live DSAT in March, we've been diligently gathering feedback through exit surveys after each test administration. Our mission? To refine the test content, gauge question difficulty, and ensure students are well-prepared. We believe that every test-taker deserves a level playing field and an exam experience that doesn't throw curveballs.

In the August test, our feedback brought up a few interesting points:

Recycled Questions from the Bluebook App: We discovered that some...

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Hey ChatGPT, Does Test Prep Tutoring Work?

We could not resist seeing what the latest AI engine thinks about test prep based on the research.  Enjoy!

Standardized testing is an important method of assessment, particularly in the United States where the SAT and ACT exams are widely used for college admissions. The question of whether test prep helps to improve SAT and ACT scores is a highly debated topic we thought worth tackling. 

The research on the effectiveness of test preparation on SAT and ACT scores is mixed. While...

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Does "Test Optional" Mean Optional for Me?

By. Matthew Larriva  & Kevin Organisciak


Part I: Does “test optional” mean optional for me?

We are all familiar with the difference between “optional” (it makes no difference whether you do or don’t) and “optional” (technically you can choose this, but you probably shouldn’t). You have the option to read Stephen King’s latest release (it’s quite good), and the option to serve as your own attorney (and have a fool as a...

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