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Planning for the Summer Demand Slump

As summer approaches, test prep and tutoring professionals need to start thinking about how to generate revenue during what has become a typically slower season. With students out of school and many families taking vacations, it can be a challenging time to maintain a steady stream of clients. However, with some careful advanced planning and creative thinking, it is possible to turn the summer months into a profitable period for your business.

Here are some tips to help test prep and tutoring...

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Using Grass Roots Marketing to Differentiate Your Tutoring Brand

Many tutoring programs start out with the premise "if you build it, they will come."

This approach is a great foundation for a referral based business and there is no better advertising than client referral.  In fact, many tutoring programs generate six digit revenue streams by doing little more than providing excellent service and high quality tutors.

That having been said, this type of business model inevitably tends to plateau.  That is to say, year-over-year revenue...

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Concept Understanding: Cross-Selling and Product Diversification



Tutoring firms can benefit in a predictable and measurable way by cross-selling products to current clients.  One of the nice things about cross-selling is that it implies an high level of engagement between tutor and client.  Most folks reading this now have probably engaged in add-ons (or cross selling)  just to provide excellent client service without actually understanding the inherent benefit to their business.  As the Test...

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Marketing 101: Using Free Events to Add Value and Generate New Sales

Events offer an opportunity to build important connections with future clients.  This relationship-building can be accelerated through a well planned event strategy. 

An event strategy can be as simple as scheduling more than one event over the course of several weeks with intent and in alignment with marketing outreach. Beyond creating a client touch-point,  events can be used to fill one's lead funnel and amplify brand awareness. 
Brand awareness and a...
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Concept Understanding: Lead Funnel, Sales Pipeline, Client Acquisition Cost

*Original Post is from 2017 and highlights the use of Free Events as a Client Acquisition Strategy

Kaplan Test Prep seems to be on to something by offering free web based tutoring during their "prep-a-thon" series. In February 2016, over 10,000 students participated in Kaplan's first ever SAT prep-a-thon. The event connected Kaplan Tutors to prospective students via live-online conferencing.

To round things out, in October of 2016 Kaplan offered free PSAT prep during the first 17 days of...

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