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Code of Professional Ethics

Membership in the Association of Test Preparation, Admissions, and Private Tutoring (TPAPT) is voluntary and comes with benefits and professional responsibilities. Complying with TPAPT's Code of Ethics and Professional Practices is a condition of membership in TPAPT and its affiliates. It is also a condition for nonmembers who want to participate in TPAPT-sponsored events, including TPAPT’s National Conferences, Continuing Education Programs, Consulting,, and Affiliate Events. 

Since supplemental education programs like test preparation,  tutoring, and school admissions consulting are constantly evolving, members who are developing new products, policies, or best practices for our incubator programs are welcome to consult with us in advance to ensure that their proposals comply with TPAPT’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practices. We see these discussions as an important part of our educational mission.

                                                           Our Core Values


We believe in and are committed to educating students, their families, the public, fellow education professionals, and ourselves about the transition to and within secondary and postsecondary education.

Fairness and Equity

We believe our members have a responsibility to treat one another and students in a fundamentally fair and equitable manner. Our institutional and individual members strive to eliminate from the education system bias based on race, ethnicity, creed, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, political affiliation, national origin, or disability. 


We believe that ethical behavior is the foundation of acceptable tutoring, test preparation and college counseling.   Our members commit to resolving open BBB complaints and honestly managing web reputation and student outcomes. 


We believe members should conduct dialogue with respect and openness to differences, listening to various perspectives from a place of support and understanding. Members should strive to disagree without being disrespectful, abusive, or demeaning.


We believe the effectiveness of our profession—test preparation, admissions, and private tutoring—is enhanced when we work together to advocate for students and their best interests.


We believe our profession is based upon trust, mutual respect, and honesty with one another and with students.

Social Responsibility

We believe we have a duty to serve students responsibly by safeguarding their rights and their access to and within primary, secondary and postsecondary education.


Badged Tutors and Certified Institutions are members that we certify as experts in a field or discipline.  They are locally well known, have a sought after expertise and transparently measure student outcomes.  Badged Tutors and Certified Institutions must have a simple, easy to find,  and easy to understand refund policy. 



Yes, I agree to TPAPT's Code of Professional Ethics

Contact us:   [email protected]


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