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5 Tips for Hiring Exceptional Tutors

Recruiting exceptional talent is a critical component of an organization's strategy.  Commercial tutoring companies know this and tend to support a steady funnel of candidates year-round.  To support that endeavor, they typically have designated human resource professionals posting, screening, and onboarding potential tutors; these folks focus 24/7 on finding new talent. 

In contrast, small businesses (like ours) have minimal infrastructure.  So, human resource...

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Average Pay Rates for Academic and Test Prep Tutors

By Kevin Organisciak, M.Ed.

If you have wondered how much to charge as a tutor or how much to pay a tutor if you are an owner-operator, we analyzed average pay rates for test prep and popular academic subject tutoring.

We used open-source data as well as our own internal recruiting data to get a sense of average pay rates.  Spoiler:  local programs almost always pay their tutors better than big-box tutoring companies or tutor-matching sites.

The data is directionally...

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Positioning Your Tutoring Business for Success in the New Digital SAT Era

As the education landscape continues to evolve, tutors are often the first point of contact for students and parents seeking guidance on navigating academic changes. With the impending shift to the new Digital SAT format, you can expect a flurry of inquiries regarding which test is most suitable for the incoming class.

To provide effective guidance during this transitional period, it's crucial to adapt your tutoring business's approach. Here's how to position your tutoring business for...

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Free & Low Cost Digital SAT Prep Resources for Your Students

Title: Empowering Tutors: A Wealth of Free Digital SAT Prep Resources for Your Students

As a tutoring company owner-operator, your mission is to provide your students with the best possible resources to succeed in their SAT exams. However, the cost of high-quality test prep materials can often be a barrier for many students. In this article, we'll introduce you to some fantastic free and low cost digital SAT resources for use with your students.


1. TPAPT Digital SAT...

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Feedback from the Latest International SAT Test Administration

Since the first live DSAT in March, we've been diligently gathering feedback through exit surveys after each test administration. Our mission? To refine the test content, gauge question difficulty, and ensure students are well-prepared. We believe that every test-taker deserves a level playing field and an exam experience that doesn't throw curveballs.

In the August test, our feedback brought up a few interesting points:

Recycled Questions from the Bluebook App: We discovered that some...

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Using "Opportunity Cost" to Learn to Delegate.

By Kevin Organisciak, M.Ed.

Effective delegation is a critical skill for any business leader, especially in the context of managing a local tutoring and test preparation business. Delegation allows you to focus on strategic decisions, growth initiatives, and value-added tasks while ensuring that routine, time-consuming activities are managed efficiently.

One powerful concept that can guide your delegation strategy is the concept of opportunity cost. By understanding opportunity cost, you can...

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How will the US Supreme Court's decision on Affirmative Action impact local tutoring and college advising?

The Supreme Court has eliminated affirmative action in college admissions which means race can no longer be used as a criteria for admissions.     

But don't stress; if the past two years have taught us anything, it is that the demand for excellent tutors, coaches, and mentors will continue to increase although student demand for those services is likely to shift.  

When major changes impact the normal demand cycle, it is important to anticipate the impact and...

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How to Price a Tutoring Service

Setting the right pricing for tutoring services is crucial for tutors and educational institutions alike. It requires a careful analysis of various factors, such as market demand, costs, competition, and perceived value. In this article, we will explore the process of establishing pricing for tutoring services, drawing insights from industry articles and incorporating pricing strategies taught at Wharton, while also comparing and contrasting the approaches.

I. Understanding Market Demand and...

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Learnings from the First Administration of the Digital SAT

By Kevin Organisciak

The College Board made a significant change to the format of the SAT test by introducing the digital SAT for students outside of the United States. Although there were a few glitches along the way, the first administration of the digital SAT was a success, and the feedback from stakeholders has been positive overall. Here's what we learned from the first administration of the digital SAT. 

We surveyed over 200 international students who took the test as well as...

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Planning for the Summer Demand Slump

As summer approaches, test prep and tutoring professionals need to start thinking about how to generate revenue during what has become a typically slower season. With students out of school and many families taking vacations, it can be a challenging time to maintain a steady stream of clients. However, with some careful advanced planning and creative thinking, it is possible to turn the summer months into a profitable period for your business.

Here are some tips to help test prep and tutoring...

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