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What is the syllabus that SAT tutors use?

Syllabi are often hand-crafted by experience tutors so I don’t know that there is a “standard” syllabus to observe. Having said that, a quick and inexpensive way to manage to get access a good syllabus lives on The College Board Website - SAT Lesson Plans.

Alternatively, you could do what many tutors do when the start out: buy a quality prep book and follow the lesson plans included there.

If you really, Really, need...

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How to Manage Tutor No-Shows

The unique and profound stress that comes from a tutor missing an assignment is a common issue faced by tutoring company owners. In such a situation, the owner must determine how much to explain, defend, or concede to the client during a difficult conversation with the parents.

To mitigate the impact of such situations, it's important for tutoring companies to anticipate and plan for such events in advance. Tutor no-shows can be considered a predictable crisis and contingency planning can...

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Should I charge the same rate for online tutoring as I charge for in-person tutoring? Or, which rate should be more?

 Kevin Organisciak, Founder, Test Prep & Tutoring Professionals

Great question. Larger companies charge less for online tutoring because it costs less to provide and the aggregate supply of global online tutoring currently exceeds the demand.

Assuming you buy-in to the premise, a pretty straightforward way to determine baseline pricing is to take the profit margin you generate from your current “live tutoring” and apply it to your web...

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Marketing 101: Using Free Events to Add Value and Generate New Sales

Events offer an opportunity to build important connections with future clients.  This relationship-building can be accelerated through a well planned event strategy. 

An event strategy can be as simple as scheduling more than one event over the course of several weeks with intent and in alignment with marketing outreach. Beyond creating a client touch-point,  events can be used to fill one's lead funnel and amplify brand awareness. 
Brand awareness and a...
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How To Get Out Of The Negative Rabbit Hole

The realization suddenly hit me – how did I ever become so negative? When did I become a pessimist? What path did I walk down to end up with this mindset and worldview – where everything around me is half-empty?

The pool of negative people in the world grows bigger every day, and it’s common for anyone to get caught up in a negative spiral that becomes a habitual worldview. We desire to be glowing with positivity, but often fall back into a perspective of pessimism. We...

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What do you do when business demand drops? Adapt!

"Rough waters are truer tests of leadership. In calm water, every ship has a good captain." -- Swedish proverb

Test prep and tutoring companies are dealing with the reality that their business demand cycle is painfully and inextricably tied to the official SAT and ACT test administration dates.  This year those testing dates have been continuously postponed in response to Covid-19.  And, as one might expect, those postponements have created an environment of...
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Does "Test Optional" Mean Optional for Me?

By. Matthew Larriva  & Kevin Organisciak


Part I: Does “test optional” mean optional for me?

We are all familiar with the difference between “optional” (it makes no difference whether you do or don’t) and “optional” (technically you can choose this, but you probably shouldn’t). You have the option to read Stephen King’s latest release (it’s quite good), and the option to serve as your own attorney (and have a fool as a...

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Concept Understanding: Lead Funnel, Sales Pipeline, Client Acquisition Cost

*Original Post is from 2017 and highlights the use of Free Events as a Client Acquisition Strategy

Kaplan Test Prep seems to be on to something by offering free web based tutoring during their "prep-a-thon" series. In February 2016, over 10,000 students participated in Kaplan's first ever SAT prep-a-thon. The event connected Kaplan Tutors to prospective students via live-online conferencing.

To round things out, in October of 2016 Kaplan offered free PSAT prep during the first 17 days of...

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College Board Clarifies Fall SAT Test Administration Plans

The College Board walked back plans to provide "In Home" SAT testing this year during a press conference today.   Instead they seem to be doubling down on in-person testing by adding an additional test administration in January.  Additionally, they asked colleges to give latitude to students graduating in 2020 and 2021.  

With regard to that last point, students graduating this year or next have, of course, had to struggle with test postponements, cancellations,...

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Guest Blog | Getting Into the Ivys

How To Get Into The Ivy League


Guest Authors:   Lauren Thompson & Matt Larriva

With an average acceptance rate of just above 9%, the Ivy Leagues are among the most selective schools in the World.  With that in mind, it makes sense that there are only three types of students who find admission to the Ivy’s: the elite students, the elite performers (think top-tier athletes, published writers, and child actors), and the elite connected (the children of world...

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